Mum's memories

2012 June 05

Created by Terri 11 years ago
One word which springs to mind of Vanessa - determined! Throughout her life Vanessa was never one to give in to anything - she always strived to do her best whether it was learning to read at school at the age of 5 years, swimming and the many galas she took part in, passing the exam to get her into Colston's Girls School at the age of 11 years - the list is endless. One occasion where she was determined was after she was taken ill with Meningitis when she was 9 years old - she was in a small ward on her own but she knew all the other children were up the top of the corridor - she managed to get herself up the very long corridor with the help of a wheelchair - although obviously in a lot of pain. She made it! Not a day, week, month goes by when we don't think of her - and miss her. We cannot believe that it will be 5 years on 26th June 2012 that she left us. We have been thinking about all the many changes which has occurred over the last 5 years - she would be absolutely amazed especially with mobile phones. The first one she had was a brick! We still have it somewhere. I would love to hear everyone's memories of Vanessa - please add to this page.