2000 was my first time at Glastonbury, but not for Vanessa. Oh no, and definitely not even as a paying member! Watching the festival this year is very poignant, as this year will be 10 years since she left us. My memory of that festival in 2000 was spent with her in the Circus Field. We spent quality time watching the Magic Roundabout on trapeze, making juggling balls and learning to juggle. It rained, we skid and slipped, but more importantly laughed. I still miss her every day.
26th June 2017
I have really enjoyed reading memories and seeing pictures here today. I went to university with Vanessa and have vibrant memories of her sense of fun, her energy and her intellect. Much love to her family on her birthday. X
5th April 2016
Vanessa - A beautiful intelligent young lady.
Always in our thoughts.
Gone too soon.....
Love, Godmother Jane, Gemma and Adam x
18th June 2012